





以下文字是爱斯本和安娜的妈妈 Natalia 和我们分享的这一次有趣的旅程。



我们的行程非常繁忙,要去很多的地方, 也有很多比赛、排练和各种各样的组织的活动。无论到哪里,孩子们都被照顾得很好,有很多朋友在身边围绕,大家都非常团结。行程有时非常紧张,需要很早起来、很晚才休息。但是,一切都是值得的,因为我们去了很多有意思的地方,其中就包括:

  1. 云南师范大学附属世纪金源学校。孩子们先是看了这所学校学生的表演,然后听了一堂激动人心的讲座。午餐后,孩子们去了其中一位学生的家。主人准备了可口的小吃来欢迎我们,在他家里小朋友们可以玩游戏,大人们可以喝茶聊天。

2. 云南师范大学附属小学。排练和正式比赛都是在这里进行的。孩子们真的很喜欢这所学校,因为学校的院子里有一个花园,里面种满了蔬菜,花园的后面有很多笼子,里面养着小兔子。看到小兔子真是一个惊喜、真的太棒了!孩子们在排练休息期间总喜欢去看小兔子。只是有一点非常遗憾,关兔子的笼子太小了,兔子们没有什么地方活动。但是,很明显,兔子们被照顾得很好。学校还种了大白菜喂兔子。

3. 澄江化石地世界自然遗产博物馆。在这里,除了土壤、矿石等自然物质,你还可以看到野生动物的化石,大到恐龙化石,小到蝴蝶和蝶蛹的化石,应有尽有。

4. 昆明植物园及其温室。温室里,炎热潮湿,里面的植物却非常值得一看,有好多我们从没见过的树和其他各种各样的植物。有些业余艺术爱好者正在这里对风景进行素描,孩子们有机会和他们聊聊天,感到非常开心。

5. 官渡古镇和昆明老街。这座城市到处都是现代化的钢筋混凝土的高层建筑,但是市中心的这片保留下来的老区却截然不同,它是那么的美丽和闲适,有很多商铺、咖啡馆和饭店。我们在这里看了滇剧,表演者只要轻轻在脸上一摸,就可以立刻换上另一幅脸谱,他们穿着绚丽多彩的盛装.

6. 昆明花市。听说昆明花市是这一地区最大的鲜花交易市场。孩子们很喜欢,除了美丽的鲜花,这里还可以买到玩具、乐器、纪念品和其他一些有趣的东西。




Natalia 供稿并提供照片

It was a very interesting, educational and warm trip. Warm – literally and figuratively. Firstly, we were in the south of China, in the city of Kunming, where it was warm, like ours in the summer. Secondly, and this is the main thing, the warm and very friendly atmosphere in which we plunged. Both the competition participants and the young Chinese assistants accompanying us were always happy to see the children, talk and play with them.

We had a busy schedule, a lot of trips, as well as tests, rehearsals and various organizational issues – and everywhere the children were surrounded by care, friends and a spirit of unity. The schedule was tough, with early wake-ups and late lights out. However, it was worth it, as the trips were varied and interesting. We have seen and visited much during that week including, but not limited to:  

  • Shiji Jingyuan School Attached to Yunnan Normal University云南师范大学附属世纪金源学校. First, the children watched a performance by the students of this school, then they attended a lesson, which turned out to be exciting, and after lunch they went to visit family of one of the pupils. It was a warm welcome with wonderful food, games for the children and tea for the adults.
  • the Primary School Attached to Yunnan Normal University云南师范大学附属小学 . Here rehearsal and competition took place.  The children really liked this school, also because in its courtyard there was a school garden with vegetables, and behind it there were cages with live hares. This was amasing and unexpected and the children enjoyed watching the hares during the break. True, the hares’ cages were small, and it was a bit of a pity that these hares could not live more spaciously. But it was also clear that the hares were well taken care of, and they even grew cabbage for them in the school garden.
  • Chengjiang Fossil Land World Natural Heritage Museum 澄江化石地世界自然遗产博物馆a museum where in addition to soils, minerals and other gifts of the earth you could also see wildlife, from dinosaurs to butterflies and larvae.
  • Kunming Botanical Garden 昆明植物园 with its greenhouses. Oh, how humid and hot it was in the huge greenhouse, but also how interesting, with plants and trees that we had never seen before. The children also enjoyed talking with amateur artists who made landscape sketches in the garden park.
  • the Guandu Ancient Town(官渡古镇)and Kunming Old Street(昆明老街) The old quarter in the city center contrasted greatly with the rest of the city of high-rise buildings. It was beautiful and cozy, with many shops, cafes and restaurants. There we also saw the Yunnan opera (滇剧) where actors could change masks with just the touch of a hand to their face, performing in colorful and rich costumes.
  • Flower market in Kunming. We were told this was the biggest flower market in this region. The children also really enjoyed the trip to the flower market, where, in addition to flowers, man could buy toys, musical instruments, souvenirs and more. 

Most of all, the children liked school where they had a lesson together with Chinese pupils, visiting family, the zoo, and of course fun they experienced during rehearsals, a friendly-competition spirit during competition, and charm of the closing ceremony and beautiful songs.

Anna and Espen really enjoyed the competition. This was their first competition of this kind, and absolutely their first performance on a big stage, in front of an audience. It was so great that there were many participants, but, unfortunately, it also reasoned a strict time limit, and the children only showed part of the program they were preparing. They would love to perform more. 

The trip was great. The children saw so much, fell in love with the city of Kunming, and made friends – Chinese and international. Every day was amazing and incredibly interesting. That was great. We are very grateful to the Chinese school for facilitating our trip! Thank you Chinese bridge! We loved you and hope to be your guests again one day 😊

Text by Natalia
